Barcelona, March 2024

Easter is around the corner and many families are planing their holiday with their little ones. Some are choosing to travel internationally and facing time zone differences. And here is the common worry I find:
How am I going to deal with my little one's sleep schedule?
The answer depends. Below are 3 different scenarios:
If there are only 1 or 2 hours' time difference with the clock moving backwards: Start adjusting your little one's schedule by 15 minutes later everyday in the build up to your holiday. By doing so, they will be adjusted to the new time straight away when you arrive to your destination.
If there are only 1 or 2 hours' time difference with the clock moving forward: I would suggest doing nothing; put your little one to bed at the usual time as if you're at home, which will be 1-2 hours later wherever you are. It may work well so that you can enjoy longer days and later wake ups.
If there is a significant time difference: Immediately synchronise your family's activities to the new time. Minimise naps, especially in the afternoon, to encourage quicker adaptation to the new schedule. Establish a calming bedtime routine, dimming lights and having quiet time before bed to signal to the body clock that it's time to rest.
Sleep while travelling with little ones and time zone changes can be a challenge. With some planning and patience, you can help your littl adjust more smoothly. Here are some tips to consider:
Stick to Routine: Even in a new environment, try to maintain your child's usual bedtime routine as much as possible. Familiar rituals such as reading a book, taking a bath, or listening to soothing music can signal to your child that it's time to wind down and sleep.
Expose to Natural Light: Sunlight helps regulate our internal body clocks, so try to expose your child to natural light during the day, especially in the morning. Take walks outside or spend time near windows to help synchronise their internal clock with the local time zone.
Adjust Nap Times: If your child still takes naps, adjust their nap schedule gradually to match the local time zone. If it's not possible to sync naps with the new time zone right away, try to ensure they get some rest during the day to prevent overtiredness.
Keep Bedtime Consistent: Aim to put your child to bed at the same local time each night, regardless of their usual bedtime at home. Consistency is key to helping them adjust to the new schedule.
Create a Sleep-friendly Environment: Make sure your child's sleeping environment is conducive to rest, whether you're staying in a hotel room, a relative's house, or elsewhere. Bring familiar items such as their favourite blanket or teddy to help them feel more comfortable.
Be Patient and Flexible: Remember that adjusting to a new time zone can take time, especially for little ones. Be patient and understanding if your child has difficulty sleeping or experiences disruptions in their usual sleep patterns. Try to remain flexible and adapt your plans as needed to accommodate their needs.
Limit Screen Time Before Bed: Minimise your child's exposure to screens (TV, tablets, smartphones) before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with sleep. Encourage calming activities instead, such as reading a book or listening to soft music.
Consider Sleep Aids: In some cases, you may consider using sleep aids such as white noise machines or blackout curtains to help create a more conducive sleep environment, especially if you're staying in a location where external noise or light may be disruptive.
Stay Hydrated and Well-fed: Ensure your child stays hydrated and well-fed throughout the day, as hunger or thirst can disrupt sleep. Offer healthy snacks and meals at regular intervals, and encourage drinking plenty of water, particularly in warmer climates.
By implementing these strategies and remaining patient and flexible, you can help your little one adjust to the new time zone more smoothly, allowing everyone to enjoy a more restful and enjoyable travel experience.
Remember that the important thing is to have fun! Get yourself excited and start booking your holiday if you haven't done so!
Sleep can be a hard road at some point and it is important to enjoy your time with your little one. Don’t let sleep be an obstacle to going away and enjoying your free time.
There are ways to improve sleep and make it manageable while you are away. And when you come back you can always address it with some sleep coaching if necessary, I’m here to support you along the way.
Any questions please feel free to contact me at
With love,
Anna Doula & Gentle Sleep Coach
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