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Gentle Infant Sleep For Babies 5+ month - Group Coaching

Are sleepless nights with your infant leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

If so, you're not alone.

Many parents struggle with helping establish healthy sleep habits for their little ones and for themselves.

However, there's hope! Introducing the upcoming group workshop.

Hi! I’m Anna, 

A trained and experienced Doula, Lactation Consultant & Gentle Sleep Coach

I’m accredited by the OCN London and the Child Sleep Institute in Canada.

Is this coaching for me?

  • Your little one is between 5 to 18 months old.

  • You are having issues getting your little one to fall asleep, short naps, multiple or long periods of night wakings.

  • You prefer the group support and learning from other families in the same situation.

  • This price point is more appealing to you rather than the one on one coaching support.

  • You are ready to make a change and celebrate with your group!

In this comprehensive group coaching, I aim to provide you with the tools, strategies, and support you need to help your little one (and yourself) get the rest you deserve. 

We will be following a gentle approach to sleep practices, focusing on building the bond between the little one and caregiver and how this can positively affect sleep.

How does the Gentle Infant Sleep Group Coaching work?

  • Get a pre-questionnaire to be filled in with your family general information so I can start understanding your family and having an idea of your challenges.

  • Download an app and register your little one’s sleep timings (naps and bedtime) for 4 consecutive days.

  • We will have 2 group coaching calls to talk about infant sleep.

  • 1st Call: We will talk about: environment, routine, schedules, tools and my coaching method The Gentle Dream Approach. We will also discuss every particular case so I can answer any questions you may have and gain more information to design your individual sleep plans.

  • 2nd Call: We will share our wins, answer any question and give feedback to further improvement to achieve.

You will get your written personalised sleep plan sent to you with your individual steps to follow in each case.

Support (optional):

In some cases, depending on the challenges you are facing, I will recommend my follow up support as needed.

There is no need to compromise for a number of weeks, each of you can move at their own timing.

What does the weekly group support include?

  • Private Whatsapp group to update daily improvements and support you and your partner (if aplicable). I will be guiding you with any issues you may be encountering every day.

  • Individual support mini calls if needed through the week at a convenient time for you.

What improvements can I expect to see?

  • Being excited about bedtime instead of dreading it.

  • Peaceful and flexible routines rather than hectic schedules.

  • Hunger wake ups rather than multiple night wakings.

  • Sleeping all night rather than being awake for hours in between.

  • A happy rested family rather than an exhausted one!

Don't let sleepless nights define your parenting journey.
Take the first step towards peaceful nights and happier days by registering to our Gentle Infant Sleep Group Coaching for peaceful nights today. 

Workshop Details:

Registration deadline: 


Video call dates:

17/10/2024 at 1pm to 2pm (CET)

24/10/2024 at 1pm to 2pm (CET)


Online - from the comfort of your home

Registration Fee: 85€

What do my clients say about me?

We had been struggling with our 6 months olds sleep for a few months and we were exhausted. We went from having a baby that only nursed to sleep, did contact naps and woke up every 1-2 hours throughout the night and even being awake for hours in the middle of the night to being able to have him sleep all 3 naps in his cot and the wakeups in the nights have also drastically improved. Anna’s superpower is her patience and genuinely wanting to help find solutions that supports both baby and parents. Her approach is gentle which was very important to us. No cry-it-out none sense. Highly recommend!

Sara ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐                          

Anna helped us with forming better sleep habits for our 14 month old. She gave us solid practical advice as well encouragement along the journey. 

We have got our evenings back to ourselves which adds to our quality of life. Thanks Anna for the help!

Lisa ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Conclusion and Next Steps

Quality sleep plays a pivotal role in the holistic development of every child, and it’s equally vital for the well-being of your family. With a gentle and nurturing approach to sleep practices, my focus lies in fostering a strong bond between you and your baby, as this connection can have a profoundly positive impact on sleep. 


If you would like to know more send me an email at 

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With love,

Anna Doula & Gentle Sleep Coach



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