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Baby Sleep Cues, being attuned to these cues can help create a smoother bedtime routine

Understanding and responding to your baby's sleep cues is an essential part of nurturing healthy sleep habits.

Babies communicate their tiredness in subtle ways, and being attuned to these cues can help create a smoother bedtime routine.

Here's a gentle explanation of some common sleep cues and how to respond to them:

Yawning and Eye Rubbing: Just like adults, babies often yawn when they're tired. Additionally, they may rub their eyes or ears. These are classic signs that your little one is ready for some rest.

Response: Begin winding down activities and prepare for sleep. Dim the lights, reduce noise, and create a calm environment to signal bedtime.

Crankiness or Fussiness: Babies can become increasingly irritable when they're tired. If your baby is suddenly fussier than usual, especially if they've been awake for a while, it could be a sign that they need to sleep.

Response: Offer comfort and soothing activities such as gentle rocking or swaying. Keep interactions quiet and low-key to help them settle down.

Decreased Activity: As fatigue sets in, babies may become less active. They might stop playing or lose interest in their surroundings.

Response: Transition to a quiet activity like reading a book or singing a lullaby to help your baby relax further.

Glazed Stare or Lack of Engagement: When babies are tired, they may appear dazed or disengaged. They might stare blankly or seem unresponsive to stimuli.

Response: Avoid overstimulation and provide a calming atmosphere. Hold or cuddle your baby gently, offering reassurance as they drift off to sleep.

Frequent Yawning or Stretching: Babies often yawn or stretch more frequently as they become tired. These actions are natural ways for their bodies to release tension and prepare for sleep.

Response: Encourage relaxation by creating a cozy sleep environment. Swaddle your baby if they enjoy it, or provide a soft blanket for comfort.

Clinginess or Seeking Comfort: Some babies become clingy or seek extra comfort when they're tired. They may want to be held or cuddled more than usual.

Response: Offer plenty of cuddles and reassurance. Responding to your baby's need for comfort can help them feel secure as they transition to sleep.

Fluttering Eyelids or Drowsy Look: As your baby grows tired, you may notice their eyelids drooping or fluttering. They might also have a dreamy or drowsy expression.

Response: Seize the opportunity to put your baby down for a nap or bedtime. Help them settle into their sleep space while they're still in this drowsy state.

Remember, every baby is unique, and it may take time to learn your baby's individual sleep cues. By observing their behaviour and responding with patience and understanding, you can help foster healthy sleep habits and create a peaceful bedtime routine for your little one.

Any questions please feel free to contact me at

With love,

Anna Doula & Gentle Sleep Coach



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